Little known facts about Cannabis (THC Oil)

2022-08-26 16:37:22

THC Oil  lis a new product that has been achieving spectacular successes in the field of treatment and health care. The uses of THC are very diverse, but first we will learn about the most outstanding feature of  THC with Funjuice.

Little known facts about Cannabis (THC Oil)

THC Oil (THC Vape Oil) is a new product that has been achieving spectacular successes in the field of treatment and health care. The uses of THC are many, but first we will learn about the most prominent feature of  THC for vape.

The main ingredient of Cannabis is THC. In addition, CBD-cannabidiol is also an important ingredient but is less expressed than THC, although it still has certain effects on the body and this is more and more common for medical purposes. These two active ingredients are both extracted from the leaves and flowering parts of the cannabis plant. Cannabis plants are also known by different names such as hemp, cat thorn, bin, grass or weed, pot, herb.


After entering the body by vaping or oral edible, THC will be absorbed into the bloodstream, absorption through vape suction will be faster than the digestive tract. Then the blood will transport substances to the brain to stimulate the nervous system, creating a feeling of "high".

With such composition and effects on the body, can cannabis be used as a medicine? Let's continue to find out in the next part of the article.

Is Cannabis a Medicine?

With its stimulant effect on the nervous system, creating a feeling of "high" or "flying", THC is widely used for recreational purposes even though it is illegal. When using THC oil for vaping, the effects occur immediately including: creating a feeling of relaxation and euphoria, increased sensory awareness, increased libido. In high doses may produce hallucinations, changes in body image, hearing and pseudomembranous fascia, ataxia. There are also cases of creating a feeling of detachment from the body and from reality.

However, if used in moderation, marijuana still has beneficial uses for the body.


Therapeutic effects of cannabis

Besides, according to some studies, THC in cannabis is also considered a medicine. The cannabinoids found in cannabis have the effect of treating disease or improving some symptoms, but there is still no clear definition for this. Some evidence suggests that THC and CBD work to reduce nausea and vomiting during chemotherapy, improve appetite in people with HIV, and to treat chronic conditions, reduce muscle spasms.

Một số tác dụng có lợi của thuốc như: giảm cân, điều hòa và ngăn ngừa bệnh tiểu đường, có ích đối với bệnh nhân trầm cảm, tự kỷ, thúc đẩy quá trình lành xương, giảm các chứng lo lắng, bồn chồn. Ngoài ra THC có trong cần sa còn có khả năng làm chậm quá trình phát triển của bệnh Alzheimer. 

Some beneficial effects of the drug such as: weight loss, regulation and prevention of diabetes, beneficial for patients with depression, autism, promoting bone healing, reducing anxiety and restlessness. In addition, THC found in cannabis has the ability to slow down the progression of Alzheimer's disease.

Link CBD juice for vape:

Link Pod Chill:

Link THC cart vape:

Link THC pod:

Link THC edible:

Link Lowell Smokes:


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